GIGA: Green Ideas: Green Action
greening the world we make…
Mission statement: We live in a designed world. Everything we make, use and discard has been designed by someone, somewhere. Most of it is unsustainable and designers are the source.
Our mission is to make design green: empowering designers with the right tools to accelerate change.
BASE: An online database of green materials, empowering designers with well researched, impartial and actionable information.
PEDIA: A green encyclopedia of definitions and basic design concepts.
EVENTS: Lectures and events that presents the work of a designer that leads by example: the challenges and the solutions. The lectures serve as a platform for sharing ‘best of practice’ knowledge and ideas about local solutions to sustainability.
CASE: A series of case studies showcasing projects to learn from.
OUTREACH: Lectures and education in universities, workshops and more on the boards.
Structure: GIGA is a non-profit group created and managed by professionals and supported by volunteers and sponsors.
Short term needs
After the incredible feedback generated by the first website, GIGA is expanding as an organization and currently working on the website’s second iteration. Its aims to be more interactive, user-driven and easy to use. With the second website up in September, a course at Tongji University and key upcoming lectures, GIGA will be in a strong position to receive sponsorship. However, we need the help of volunteers to get us there.
- Marketing Volunteer: Putting together a package to approach potential sponsors and donors.
- Programmers: Assisting on the construction of the website.
- Content Research: Researching, assessing and rating products. Researching and reviewing case studies.
- Category manager (for material database)
- Lecture / Event Organizer
- Translation of website content into Chinese
If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact us at: action (at)